Click on each pic below to watch video. To see all the whole playlist from the here.
Click on each pic below to watch video. To see all the whole playlist from the here.
Click on each pic below to watch video. To see all the whole playlist from the here.
Click on each pic below to watch video. To see all the whole playlist from the here.
Click on each pic below to watch video. To see all the whole playlist from the here.
Off-Kendrik is an experimental Bangla theater group based in the greater Boston area. Many of us can trace our theater roots to the Kolkata group theater movement. Our work draws on various contemporary issues faced by a constantly changing Bengali community, both at home and abroad. We have produced original as well as adapted plays in Bangla. Our production style is inspired by black box theater; we go with a minimalist approach and active use of alternative spaces to express ourselves.
For more information, contact Sankha Bhowmich (