Hiron Mitra: a conversation

Off-Kendrik had the honor of delving into the creative mind of the set designer, which breathes life onto the stage from behind the scene. Sunanda Sanyal, of Off Kendrik, engaged Hiran Mitra, renowned Kolkata-based art director, painter, author and set designer in a discussion of his career and craft. He guided the conversation to Mr. Mitra’s most recent project – the set for the current production of “22-e August” as well as snippets of his long experience as a visual artist in the theater arena. This included his work as a set designer on "Amar Soumitro". Most of this conversation was in English with the last portion in Bengali. Donations collected went to support COVID Relief efforts in India.
Event date: June 13th, 2021, 11AM EST. Watch the event recording: Click here